Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Spunky just had his 15th birthday and his owner asked me to do a picture of him. Since I've known him forever, and just love both him and Sue (and Bella by picture), I agreed. I started tonight, with the eyes because if I nail the eyes, I can be forgiven anything. Spunky is predominantly white, but there's shades and shades of white. Here we go, I'll post a picture later. 8x10 black ampersand museum quality scratchbord.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Looong Time Ago

I have been busy, so to speak; desperately trying to survive. I'm still working on it, but have some hope for the future at the moment. I've lost 57 pounds, amazing what happens when you can't afford to eat, isn't it?  I lost Red in April to Kidney Failure. I so miss my heart dog, he was such a shooting star and I'm glad I got to bask in his fire. Love you, Red.

I've started back working on some artwork. Here's two of the Black and Tan Series. The first one is Parker, and the second is a dog called Sam. Both pieces are 5x5.